(949) 498-7085 pmw@pmwassociates.com

Jay Kreitz

Instructor of the following courses:


Jay Kreitz is the senior civilian manager for the Glendale Police Department (GPD). As Public Safety Business Administrator, he is responsible for a staff of eight full-time personnel handling all department financial activities and managing the police facility in addition to the property and evidence bureau. Although he has only been in law enforcement with Glendale since 2002, Jay?s prior 22 years of experience in the private sector provide the department?s command staff with a unique perspective that continues to pay dividends in setting policy and strategic planning as budgets become tighter and service requirements increase.

His private sector career includes starting and building a real estate management business in southern California, which he then sold to a Japanese multi-national firm and was hired back to manage the new expanded operation for the Japanese owners. After five years of managing the US operation and providing expertise throughout the corporation?s operations in Asia, the CEO of the Japanese organization promoted Jay to corporate COO, and he spent the ensuing five plus years managing the corporation?s operations in Asia (Japan, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Taiwan, Thailand, Singapore, and Malaysia). The experience of managing a hugely diverse workforce working within one of the world?s most bureaucratic organizations (Japanese business) at a time when Asia was struggling through a significant economic downturn, provided him the tools and unique perspective to help strategically steer GPD and provide the department sound financial advice and reporting. Jay has co-instructed a real estate class at Tokyo?s Waseda University, prepared and provided extensive training to company personnel throughout Asia, and now provides financial and budget instruction as part of GPD?s management training classes.

Jay is the treasurer and director of the Glendale City Employees? Federal Credit Union, Vice-President of the Glendale Managers? Association, Chair of the City of Huntington Beach Community Services Commission, and president of his local homeowners? association.