(949) 498-7085 pmw@pmwassociates.com

Solving Police Personnel Issues

(Legislative Update & Legal Tools)


This one-day course is designed for law enforcement managers who need to stay current on the case law and trends affecting their ability to manage both sworn and civilian police personnel. Upon completion of the course, the student will have a full understanding of the current personnel issues facing California law enforcement agencies and the practices that can help to minimize liability to the manager and to the agency. Emphasis will be placed on managing an inter-generational workforce.


This seminar concentrates on providing practical answers and procedural tools for resolving the following police personnel issue  Legal issues/methods for the rating and discipline of sworn and civilian police personnel.

  • Legal methods for the rating and discipline of sworn and civilian police personnel.
  • Legal update and practical methods Re AB 301 (Public Safety Officers’ Procedural Bill of Rights).
  • Supervisorial responsibility for discrimination/harassment/retaliation in the workplace
  • Current work-related trends including social media/texting/e-mailing.
  • How to address issues regarding sick and injured employees.

Instructor: Jennifer K. McCain, J.D.

Volare Hotel
111 S. Avenida de la Estrella
San Clemente, CA 92672

Course Price: $324


To be announced