(949) 498-7085 pmw@pmwassociates.com


This solutions-centered personnel issues seminar is intended for all police/civilian supervisory and management personnel including FTO?s.



The seminar is comprised of three, eight-hour days focused on successfully dealing with problem employees.

  • Attendance Control: The first day addresses the current barriers to improve attendance controls, problem employees, and performance standards; due process, liberty interests, and short-term suspensions; progressive counseling; records of discussion; and performance improvement plans. The instructional methods include: cases; structured exercises; and class participation.
  • Personnel Law Update: This session provides an overview of The Public Safety Officers? Procedural Bill of Rights; legal issues associated with IA investigations; discipline and evidentiary hearings; judicial review of IA investigations and disciplinary process; discrimination/harassment complaints; recent changes in personnel case law; long-range impact of disciplinary decisions; and civilian review boards.
  • The Disciplinary Process: Day three covers the rules and laws of hiring, retention, training, and supervising; related civil litigation regarding defenses and damages; citizen complaints and recourse for false complaints; rights to representation; Skelly Process; and grievance procedures.
Location: N/A
Date: N/A
POST Control No. 9080-10260
Seats: 40
Price: $389 for seminars in Dana Point, CA; $511 for all off-site seminars